Please Complete This Questionaire

ESA Questionnaire

Personal Information


Your Pet

Do you have a pet?

Tell us about you

Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things that you usually like to do?
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you felt sad or depressed?
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you felt more angry or more irritated than usual?
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you felt worried, anxious, or on edge?
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you felt afraid or panicked?
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you had irregular sleep? (Sleeping too much or too little)
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you been acting impulsively? (Shopping too much, sudden use of drugs or alcohol, feeling like you’re “on top of the world”)
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you avoided situations that make you nervous?
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you heard things other people couldn’t hear and seen things other people couldn’t see?
Over the past two (2) weeks, how often have you felt paranoid or fearful you are in danger?
Over the past two (2) weeks, have you had thoughts of suicide?


Congratulations! You are a Good Candidate for an Emotional Support Animal Letter.

Type Of ESA Letter

Which ESA Letter would you like? (select one)